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if( != window.self) { = "index.htm";
/* thise store the original menu*/
var DEF_PG = "firstlogin.htm";
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var G_URL = '';
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function checkTopConnect(){
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function init() {
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var judge = window.sessionStorage["session"];
var boot_id = getCfg("boot_id");
var boot_idbefore = window.sessionStorage["boot_id"];
/*check first connection, if not redirect to firstconnection.htm*/
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window.sessionStorage["boot_id"] = boot_id;
top.location.href = 'firstconnection.htm';
window.sessionStorage["boot_id"] = boot_id;
if(bUsrisLogined == 0) {
G_next = DEF_PG;
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var G_URL = GetDefPg();
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