Regular View Raw Data
Last Seen: 2024-10-23


Hostnames server7.nlserver.net
Domains nlserver.net 
Country Netherlands
City Amsterdam
Organization VCN Corp. / kolido.net
ISP LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V.
ASN AS60781


Note: the device may not be impacted by all of these issues. The vulnerabilities are implied based on the software and version.

-786766125 | 2024-09-26T11:49:32.755160
21 / tcp
-575908773 | 2024-10-12T10:33:38.416045
80 / tcp
-754730007 | 2024-10-17T19:41:09.553325
110 / tcp
-1861924964 | 2024-10-09T05:07:35.014981
123 / udp
920394351 | 2024-10-22T03:59:27.828241
143 / tcp
932539033 | 2024-10-01T22:00:13.483663
161 / udp
2117055736 | 2024-10-23T02:47:10.139794
443 / tcp
-1617053337 | 2024-10-19T11:11:56.641874
587 / tcp
-1063941006 | 2024-10-14T09:15:49.346370
993 / tcp
-1431205130 | 2024-10-07T21:20:32.924616
995 / tcp
237772565 | 2024-10-11T22:47:39.479892
8443 / tcp

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