Regular View Raw Data
Last Seen: 2025-01-16


Hostnames server.ajans.dev
Domains ajans.dev guzel.net.tr 
Country Turkey
City Istanbul
Organization GNET Internet Telekomunikasyon A.S.
ISP GNET Internet Telekomunikasyon A.S.
ASN AS42846


Hosting panels
JavaScript frameworks


Note: the device may not be impacted by all of these issues. The vulnerabilities are implied based on the software and version.

714354934 | 2025-01-09T07:39:51.153050
21 / tcp
-724940441 | 2025-01-10T10:06:00.113945
22 / tcp
-1369515934 | 2024-12-29T09:57:44.533007
25 / tcp
1546427488 | 2025-01-05T13:05:51.141581
53 / tcp
1546427488 | 2025-01-11T06:16:24.806178
53 / udp
2042676629 | 2025-01-13T18:10:06.528073
80 / tcp
1712911923 | 2024-12-28T05:41:27.368065
110 / tcp
-127552878 | 2025-01-07T15:09:26.939498
143 / tcp
-740372829 | 2025-01-14T18:58:23.675809
443 / tcp
321990205 | 2025-01-16T08:05:28.732826
465 / tcp
-1665907306 | 2025-01-11T08:40:10.412082
587 / tcp
-628402902 | 2025-01-08T06:05:05.266628
993 / tcp
1404421740 | 2025-01-16T18:48:07.308669
995 / tcp
1614894648 | 2025-01-09T01:30:41.528111
3306 / tcp
466948237 | 2025-01-12T11:06:32.579030
8443 / tcp
-867114292 | 2025-01-14T06:52:10.409652
8880 / tcp

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