220 DS415Plus FTP server ready. 530 Login incorrect. 214- The following commands are recognized (* =>'s unimplemented). USER LPRT MODE MSOM* RNTO SITE RMD SIZE AUTH PASS EPRT RETR MSAM* ABOR SYST XRMD MDTM PBSZ ACCT* PASV STOR MRSQ* DELE STAT PWD MLST PROT SMNT* LPSV APPE MRCP* CWD HELP XPWD MLSD CCC REIN* EPSV MLFL* ALLO XCWD NOOP CDUP MFMT QUIT TYPE MAIL* REST LIST MKD XCUP FEAT PORT STRU MSND* RNFR NLST XMKD STOU OPTS 214 Direct comments to ftp-bugs@DS415Plus. 211- Extensions supported: AUTH TLS PBSZ PROT CCC SIZE MDTM REST STREAM MFMT TVFS MLST modify*;type*;unique*;size*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;UNIX.group*; MLSD modify*;type*;unique*;size*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;UNIX.group*; UTF8 211 End.
Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 5690060049698480 (0x14371458034eb0) Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=TW, ST=Taiwan, L=Taipei, O=Synology Inc., OU=Certificate Authority, CN=Synology Inc. CA/emailAddress=product@synology.com Validity Not Before: Jul 17 15:10:03 2015 GMT Not After : Apr 3 15:10:03 2035 GMT Subject: C=TW, ST=Taiwan, L=Taipei, O=Synology Inc., OU=FTP Team, CN=synology.com/emailAddress=product@synology.com Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Public-Key: (1024 bit) Modulus: 00:ab:f1:e5:ef:c1:72:4b:14:c2:0d:c3:5a:66:cc: 6e:69:9d:da:7c:27:23:e3:79:ad:4d:cc:1b:ba:4d: 85:02:61:fd:9c:3f:5e:3f:4b:3e:4d:3f:9b:ac:db: ed:41:d8:ee:d7:cf:65:6b:e4:62:be:7a:5b:8b:f0: e8:54:7e:2d:f6:37:09:7b:19:5a:31:1c:e9:6a:e9: 12:a1:f7:1f:93:42:34:14:b6:f8:4e:39:d7:f2:53: 3c:c5:4d:e6:6e:91:74:58:f1:7c:ad:22:fa:b6:97: 98:b0:07:e2:72:42:ec:4d:70:01:dd:f8:6c:e9:3b: 6d:1f:ba:c1:da:ad:e6:c0:93 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: email:product@synology.com Netscape Comment: mod_ssl generated custom server certificate Netscape Cert Type: SSL Server Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Signature Value: 5a:cd:68:fc:11:9a:e2:6b:4f:3e:c7:e2:7a:14:28:76:3d:69: ca:ee:b8:4c:c8:22:81:79:8a:55:de:04:26:53:9c:da:6b:c2: 23:5f:89:c6:dd:98:a6:46:26:a9:1b:65:d9:44:b0:d9:9b:11: 08:3c:a0:13:1d:b4:ef:20:89:15:5a:d3:19:5d:a1:e6:34:64: 37:90:6e:54:9e:db:fa:03:cd:29:71:5f:8d:b8:a7:55:37:95: 3e:4c:f8:38:d2:71:8f:eb:4b:63:ef:8a:60:99:9e:47:47:e5: e2:c9:c7:f4:27:83:60:73:c0:33:4c:64:2f:75:79:32:91:0e: 10:9e
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