Regular View Raw Data Timeline
Last Seen: 2025-02-27


Country Italy
City Milan
Organization Virtono Networks SRL
ISP M247 Europe SRL
ASN AS9009


JavaScript libraries
UI frameworks


Note: the device may not be impacted by all of these issues. The vulnerabilities are implied based on the software and version.

21 / tcp
-941961248 | 2025-02-13T13:00:46.558543
80 / tcp
59887174 | 2025-02-26T07:43:29.347925
143 / tcp
-1267549069 | 2025-02-19T07:46:22.171882
443 / tcp
-1921206201 | 2025-02-23T09:49:46.070460
465 / tcp
-1154270293 | 2025-02-15T22:15:27.212683
587 / tcp
-814843556 | 2025-02-25T09:56:36.736792
993 / tcp
1520541986 | 2025-02-27T21:42:33.712379
3306 / tcp
-1408464097 | 2025-02-24T04:28:44.956321
8888 / tcp
-23674247 | 2025-02-23T09:33:16.497790

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