Regular View Raw Data
Last Seen: 2024-09-07


Hostnames mobilmat.be
Domains mobilmat.be willemengroep.be 
Cloud Provider DigitalOcean
Cloud Region nl-nh
Country Netherlands
City Amsterdam
Organization Digital Ocean, Inc.
ISP DigitalOcean, LLC
ASN AS14061
Operating System Linux


JavaScript libraries
Programming languages
Tag managers
Video players


Note: the device may not be impacted by all of these issues. The vulnerabilities are implied based on the software and version.


480459025 | 2024-09-07T17:48:31.783918
22 / tcp
1888672769 | 2024-09-07T12:50:04.564214
80 / tcp
442720476 | 2024-09-07T11:40:15.819637
443 / tcp

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\", which results in the enclosed script logic to be executed.","verified":false},"CVE-2019-20372":{"cvss":4.3,"ports":[80,443],"summary":"NGINX before 1.17.7, with certain error_page configurations, allows HTTP request smuggling, as demonstrated by the ability of an attacker to read unauthorized web pages in environments where NGINX is being fronted by a load balancer.","verified":false},"CVE-2019-11358":{"cvss":4.3,"ports":[443],"summary":"jQuery before 3.4.0, as used in Drupal, Backdrop CMS, and other products, mishandles jQuery.extend(true, {}, ...) because of Object.prototype pollution. If an unsanitized source object contained an enumerable __proto__ property, it could extend the native Object.prototype.","verified":false},"CVE-2019-9516":{"cvss":6.8,"ports":[80,443],"summary":"Some HTTP/2 implementations are vulnerable to a header leak, potentially leading to a denial of service. The attacker sends a stream of headers with a 0-length header name and 0-length header value, optionally Huffman encoded into 1-byte or greater headers. Some implementations allocate memory for these headers and keep the allocation alive until the session dies. This can consume excess memory.","verified":false},"CVE-2019-9513":{"cvss":7.8,"ports":[80,443],"summary":"Some HTTP/2 implementations are vulnerable to resource loops, potentially leading to a denial of service. The attacker creates multiple request streams and continually shuffles the priority of the streams in a way that causes substantial churn to the priority tree. This can consume excess CPU.","verified":false},"CVE-2019-9511":{"cvss":7.8,"ports":[80,443],"summary":"Some HTTP/2 implementations are vulnerable to window size manipulation and stream prioritization manipulation, potentially leading to a denial of service. The attacker requests a large amount of data from a specified resource over multiple streams. They manipulate window size and stream priority to force the server to queue the data in 1-byte chunks. Depending on how efficiently this data is queued, this can consume excess CPU, memory, or both.","verified":false},"CVE-2018-16845":{"cvss":5.8,"ports":[80,443],"summary":"nginx before versions 1.15.6, 1.14.1 has a vulnerability in the ngx_http_mp4_module, which might allow an attacker to cause infinite loop in a worker process, cause a worker process crash, or might result in worker process memory disclosure by using a specially crafted mp4 file. The issue only affects nginx if it is built with the ngx_http_mp4_module (the module is not built by default) and the .mp4. directive is used in the configuration file. Further, the attack is only possible if an attacker is able to trigger processing of a specially crafted mp4 file with the ngx_http_mp4_module.","verified":false},"CVE-2018-16844":{"cvss":7.8,"ports":[80,443],"summary":"nginx before versions 1.15.6 and 1.14.1 has a vulnerability in the implementation of HTTP/2 that can allow for excessive CPU usage. This issue affects nginx compiled with the ngx_http_v2_module (not compiled by default) if the 'http2' option of the 'listen' directive is used in a configuration file.","verified":false},"CVE-2018-16843":{"cvss":7.8,"ports":[80,443],"summary":"nginx before versions 1.15.6 and 1.14.1 has a vulnerability in the implementation of HTTP/2 that can allow for excessive memory consumption. This issue affects nginx compiled with the ngx_http_v2_module (not compiled by default) if the 'http2' option of the 'listen' directive is used in a configuration file.","verified":false},"CVE-2015-9251":{"cvss":4.3,"ports":[443],"summary":"jQuery before 3.0.0 is vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting (XSS) attacks when a cross-domain Ajax request is performed without the dataType option, causing text/javascript responses to be executed.","verified":false},"CVE-2012-6708":{"cvss":4.3,"ports":[443],"summary":"jQuery before 1.9.0 is vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting (XSS) attacks. The jQuery(strInput) function does not differentiate selectors from HTML in a reliable fashion. In vulnerable versions, jQuery determined whether the input was HTML by looking for the '<' character anywhere in the string, giving attackers more flexibility when attempting to construct a malicious payload. In fixed versions, jQuery only deems the input to be HTML if it explicitly starts with the '<' character, limiting exploitability only to attackers who can control the beginning of a string, which is far less common.","verified":false},"CVE-2011-4969":{"cvss":4.3,"ports":[443],"summary":"Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in jQuery before 1.6.3, when using location.hash to select elements, allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a crafted tag.","verified":false}}; setupBannerCve(); setupVulns(VULNS); })();