Regular View Raw Data
Last Seen: 2024-12-03


Hostnames yf.jfgou.com
Domains jfgou.com 
Country China
City Guangzhou
Organization Tencent cloud computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
ISP Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited
ASN AS45090


Note: the device may not be impacted by all of these issues. The vulnerabilities are implied based on the software and version.

-1512968037 | 2024-11-24T07:15:18.769319
22 / tcp
1651973090 | 2024-11-29T21:56:18.596809
80 / tcp
869281729 | 2024-11-29T17:02:46.860907
443 / tcp
2013617963 | 2024-11-14T23:44:02.201994
1443 / tcp
-202396943 | 2024-12-03T00:17:04.662620
3306 / tcp
625130429 | 2024-11-30T05:26:48.442795
5672 / tcp
731197476 | 2024-11-23T03:18:50.595021
6000 / tcp
-1927723706 | 2024-11-16T13:04:31.768358
6379 / tcp
-1060095501 | 2024-11-10T00:16:05.167359
8000 / tcp
-1709695752 | 2024-11-18T17:10:21.488105
8090 / tcp
1690221594 | 2024-12-02T19:08:26.776497
8500 / tcp
-1076155404 | 2024-11-23T11:17:59.312606
9042 / tcp
823455509 | 2024-12-03T06:09:37.491759
9160 / tcp
780672404 | 2024-11-29T16:25:53.957988
9443 / tcp

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