Regular View Raw Data
Last Seen: 2024-11-30


Hostnames ip-202-150-93-194.moratelindo.net.id
Domains moratelindo.net.id 
Country Indonesia
City South Tangerang
Organization PT Mora Telematika Indonesia
ISP PT Mora Telematika Indonesia
ASN AS131111


UI frameworks


Note: the device may not be impacted by all of these issues. The vulnerabilities are implied based on the software and version.

2124851540 | 2024-11-23T09:55:58.089225
21 / tcp
2112310301 | 2024-11-28T21:51:13.359617
22 / tcp
-932582082 | 2024-11-21T14:55:18.588630
23 / tcp
-553166942 | 2024-11-16T08:50:55.952068
53 / tcp
-553166942 | 2024-11-24T05:55:26.308574
53 / udp
-658394198 | 2024-11-23T07:56:15.922903
80 / tcp
-8564331 | 2024-11-30T10:45:33.835454
443 / tcp
-1538260461 | 2024-11-26T03:46:53.707075
2000 / tcp
-204696495 | 2024-11-19T02:21:18.943933
8291 / tcp

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