Regular View Raw Data
Last Seen: 2024-09-26


Hostnames betonpumpen.itecnous.com
Domains itecnous.com 
Cloud Provider Azure
Cloud Region southcentralus
Cloud Service AzureCloud
Country United States
City San Antonio
Organization Microsoft Corporation
ISP Microsoft Corporation
ASN AS8075
Operating System Windows (build 10.0.17763)


Note: the device may not be impacted by all of these issues. The vulnerabilities are implied based on the software and version.


1489525118 | 2024-09-19T14:54:56.273775
80 / tcp
1489525118 | 2024-09-24T22:08:11.199033
443 / tcp
-1637129872 | 2024-09-24T06:58:30.881943
3306 / tcp
2120032677 | 2024-09-26T17:55:30.788465
3389 / tcp
-1512007172 | 2024-09-23T19:40:47.916465
8080 / tcp

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